

学生将有机会与当地医疗保健主管互动,并开发一个旨在为医疗保健组织提供问题答案的研究项目, 研究数据, 机会探索, 或者项目开发. 这使学生能够实验和利用在服务社区和卫生保健组织的程序中获得的技能和知识.

这是罗伯茨卫斯理学院的课程 卫生管理理学学士学位 is an innovative and contemporary blend of health administration and business:

PSYC 4410 | Adult Development and Lifelong Learning | 3 credits | 7 wks

This course explores the development of adults as learners and introduces students to the mental, 物理, and psychological stages of adult development and how those changes affect the adult learning process. 作为学生分析成人学习理论, they will reflect on their own life experiences and review their strengths and motivations as adult learners. 学生将有机会反思, 批判性的思考, 培养有效的演讲技巧, and prepare written responses to readings in the field of adult learning and adult development. Students will begin to understand themselves as learners: how they learn, 哪些阶段和触发因素影响了他们的学习过程, and how to value and incorporate life experiences into the continuing process of lifelong learning. The course launches the student’s journey through their accelerated degree-completion program.

A strong emphasis is placed on the review and practice of writing skills in the context of the class content. 通过多次写作作业, students will learn the expectations for academic writing at the upper college level, 包括产生想法, 整理书面材料, 提高自我编辑技能. They will learn to balance and manage time while in an accelerated degree program.

SOCS 3410 |组织领导力| 3学分| 7周

This course explores the many facets of 领导, as distinct from management. In most organizations, 领导 is more than giving orders and controlling employees and processes. 领导是关于人的. Students will identify strengths and areas for improvement in effective communication, 情商, 冲突管理, 以及动机风格. They will identify the effectiveness of various 领导 styles, 包括仆人式领导的价值, 因为它们适用于不同的组织环境. 工作场所的多样性和多代人的影响将在发展有效关系和创造富有成效的工作环境中加以看待.

PSYC 2600 |组织行为学| 3学分| 7周

组织行为学是一门研究群体行为和群体功能如何影响组织有效性的学科,关注多样性问题, 冲突, 决策, 创新, 领导, 个人动机. 对组织内的团队给予特别考虑. 成人学习者制定有效和富有成效的小组参与/促进策略,并确定小组或个人最适合处理哪些任务.

BUAD 4350 |财商| 3学分| 7周

正如课程的主要内容所指出的(Karen Berman和Joe Knight所著的《美高梅mgm平台》), 拥有财商有四项技能:



(3) Understanding the Analysis; and

(4) Understanding the Big Picture (in other words being able to “step away from the numbers,“考虑所有相关信息, 进行分析, 并做出有效的决定).

To accomplish this is no small task as the discipline is demanding due to a language barrier, 信息量, 支持理解所需的分析工具/技能, and the typical adult learner’s lack of familiarity with the subject matter. 然而,这些也是为什么它如此重要的原因. The overall goals of the course are to help adult learners understand and speak the language of accounting/finance, use the information and tools presented in the course to ask better 问题, 并最终帮助自己或他人做出更好的决定,从而帮助他们的组织实现目标.

主题包括:会计-商业语言, 财务报表与报告导论, 现金流量的重要性, 理解成本行为, 预算系统和发展预测, 性能测量, and an Introduction to Capital Budgeting and Working Capital Management.

HLTH 4000 | Health Care Systems and Organizations | 3 credits | 7 wks

卫生保健系统和组织介绍了美高梅mgm平台的卫生保健系统的历史和演变,并提供了相互关系的深入分析和卫生保健环境的总体概述, 消费者, 供应商, 组织安排和监管, 补偿和市场机制.  卫生保健组织的结构和功能, 在内部和彼此之间, 进行了深入研究. A systems approach to administration and management is covered within the health care context.  The organization of health services is reviewed with an overview of the interaction among, 的积分, the major health care subsystems: primary; secondary; tertiary; long-term; palliative; special populations/disorders.  Delivering health care in a systematic and integrated framework is stressed throughout the course

PHIL 2413 |生物伦理学| 3学分| 7周

本课程将帮助学生更好地了解自己的价值观以及这些价值观与专业活动的关系. 伦理决策将通过分析在医疗保健服务中发生的日常困境来探索. 本课程的重点是道德决策, 尤其是在你工作的医疗环境中. 这并不是说你没有道德,或者在你做出道德决定之前没有认真考虑过. 假设是什么?, 而, is that all of us can benefit by taking time to reconsider our approach to ethical issues in a conscious, 系统的方式.

HLTH 4250 |医疗报销系统| 3学分| 7周

本课程涵盖了健康保险行业的现状和在美国的服务报销. The status of managed care and its continuing evolution 进行了深入研究. 详细研究了私人和公共报销结构和功能以及报销程序的应用.

HLTH 4100 |医疗运营管理| 3学分| 7周

本课程概述了卫生和人类服务领域的运营管理领域,并为未来的课程工作奠定了基础和通用词汇. 它强调医疗保健供应链, 风险与成本管理, 资源分配和利用及流程管理. The course assumes adult learners have limited academic knowledge of operations management theory, and little or no experience in real world management situations to bring into the classroom. 在每节课中,本课程从理论角度探讨管理的某些方面,然后着重于将理论应用于卫生和人类服务组织管理者面临的实际问题.

HLTH 4910 |应用研究项目-第一部分| 3学分| 7周

应用研究模块要求成人学习者选择一个他们在工作或社区中遇到的问题, 进行研究以确定其原因。, and make practical recommendations to solve the problem based on the study results.  Re搜索 undertakings intend to provide solutions to concrete problems, 问题, 或者组织内部的关注点 or community; the re搜索 project enables adult learners to apply the acquired academic skills and knowledge across the healthcare curriculum.  因此, 研究项目的价值取决于其对正在进行/正在进行的卫生组织管理问题的适用性.  这个项目是以团队为基础的, 通过与学术项目顾问的合作,使成人学习者对研究过程有一个基本的了解, 工作地点联系人, 和同学.

本研究性课程的前几周通过介绍研究过程奠定研究性学习的框架或探究, 发展研究问题,  创建问题和背景陈述, 文献综述, 数据收集和分析, 研究报告. The final project report is presented as a comprehensive written, oral, and graphical report.

数学2430 |生物统计学| 4学分| 8周

This course provides an introduction to selected important topics in biostatistical concepts and reasoning. This course represents an introduction to the field and provides a survey of data and data types. Specific topics include tools for describing central tendency and variability in data; methods for performing inference on population means and proportions via sample data, statistical hypothesis testing and its application to group comparisons; issues of power and sample size in study designs; and random sample and other study types. While there are some formulae and computational elements to the course, 重点是解释和概念.

HLTH 4920 |应用研究项目-第二部分| 3学分| 8周

The applied re搜索 module requires adult learners to select a problem they have encountered at work or elsewhere, 进行研究以确定其原因。, and make practical recommendations to solve the problem based on the results of the study. 旨在为具体问题提供解决方案, 问题, 或者组织内部的关注点, 该研究项目使成人学习者能够应用在医疗保健课程中获得的学术技能和知识. 研究项目的价值, 因此, depends on its applicability to real management or organizational concerns. 而项目是独立的, 成人学习者通过与学术项目顾问的合作,对应用研究过程有了基本的了解, 工作地点联系人, 和同学. In Part Two the student will collect and analyze data and present both written and oral reports.

HLTH 4800 | Contemporary Issues in Health Care and Marketing | 3 Credits | 7 wks

现代组织及其成员所经历的环境条件的不断变化对市场的各个方面提出了令人生畏的挑战. Traditional textbooks cannot keep pace with the ever-changing complexity of our current healthcare environment. 本课程旨在:

  1. Broadly review the history of healthcare and reform in the United States
  2. Introduce the data and technology-driven enterprise of modern healthcare marketing
  3. Engage and emerge the learner into the concerns of modern-day healthcare systems and organizations
  4. 介绍医疗保健营销, 营销策略的本质, 以及营销运作的环境



Students must have no less than 124 credit hours (including program coursework) to graduate. 信用要求可以通过一个 信贷来源多样化.


卫生管理硕士.S. -卫生管理硕士课程是一门创新和现代的健康管理和商业课程,旨在为学生提供医疗和卫生服务管理所需的技能. Working professionals can complete this degree in just 18 months, 1 night a week or 100% online!
护理的领导 & 管理、米.S. -护理领导硕士 & Administration is based on nursing science with a significant focus on the business aspects of health care, 循证实践, and the latest technological advances to develop your 领导 expertise and knowledge. Working RN's can complete this degree in just 20 months, 1 night a week or 100% online!
成人和研究生招生- 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792(免费)- AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu